Kim Seo-hyun throws 160km and suddenly transforms into a finishing touch and can make 40 saves."
Cha Woo-chan, a left-hander with 112 wins in the KBO League and who runs the YouTube channel "Chit Chit Chit," mentioned the possibility of Hanwha Eagles' performance on Wednesday. Under the leadership of Sohn Hyuk, Hanwha seeks to escape from the dark ages by constantly upgrading its capabilities. It does not engage in artificial rebuilding. During the season, it appointed Kim Kyung-moon, a proven coach.
In this offseason, the team recruited shortstop Shim Woo-joon and starting pitcher Um Sang-baek from the FA market. In order to improve defense capability, which has been pointed out as a weakness for many years, Shim was recruited. Through Um Sang-baek, the team has completed a top-class lineup consisting of Ryu Hyun-jin, Ryan Weiss, Cody Ponce, Um Sang-baek and Moon Dong-ju.스포츠토토
Cha Woo-chan paid attention to the Hanwha mound, especially the bullpen. Since the current batters and starting members are okay, I think that if the bullpen supports them, they can reach the fifth round. Since the appointment of Kim Kyung-moon, including Joo Hyun-sang and Kim Seo-hyun, he has created a new must-win group. However, not many pitchers are certain of Abidge.
In this regard, Cha Woo-chan picked Kim Seo-hyun (21) of fastball as Hanwha's key flare for this season. Kim Seo-hyun, who graduated from Seoul High School and joined the team as the top priority in the first round in 2023, is entering his third year. He has suffered from minor injuries and form change issues over the past two years. However, he is still one of the talented players that the entire league is paying attention to. Shilling is considered the highest ranking player among Hanwha, which has many promising players.
"Kim Seo-hyun throws 160 kilometers, and suddenly changes to finish, so he can make 40 saves," Cha Woo-chan said. "I have high expectations. There were also many ups and downs last year. He couldn't decide on one form and had issues with his pitching form. (Ryu) Hyun-jin also said this once. "I hope he throws more consistently." Because he is a good player with 160 kilometers to play, but rather than making changes, he just needs to fight with the batter," Cha said.
In fact, Kim Seo-hyun was pitching at two arm heights when he debuted. He underwent trials and errors while correcting this and unifying it into one form. However, he has gained considerable stability since the middle of the season. He recorded one win, two losses and 10 holds with an ERA of 3.76 in 37 games during the 2024 season.
Cha Woo-chan said, "I think it's been established to some extent. I think it's been established from the end of the season to the end of the season. If I come back from the camp well, I think I'll show a very good performance this season." In fact, if Kim Seo-hyun raises the weight in the bullpen, Hanwha's winning rate can increase very much.
Hanwha will make a fresh start at its new stadium this year. When it joins manager Kim Kyung-moon, it is committed to making inroads into the postseason no matter what, and further advance to the postseason. Cha Woo-chan also predicted that if young Hanwha players show potential, they can advance to the semifinals or higher.
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